Crack Act Reading Oil and Gas Passage

New Sat Reading Practice Exam 53: Hydrogen Passage

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Hydrogen Passage

Scientists worldwide have been working
diligently to advance hydrogen as a renewable
energy source. Hydrogen, the most arable
element in the universe, is found primarily with
05oxygen in water. Because information technology can exist safely used as
fuel, information technology is a candidate for gasoline replacement in
rider vehicles.
The potential benefits to moving away from
petroleum-based fuel are plentiful. Since hydrogen
10can be produced within the United States, discovering
means to safely and economically switch to hydrogen
fuel would drastically reduce our dependency on
other petroleum-producing nations. In add-on
to making us more independent, hydrogen produces
15no pollution, including greenhouse gasses, when
used every bit fuel. For this reason alone, forward-thinking
scientists take fabricated it a priority to invent new ways to
use hydrogen.
Until at present, at that place have been several challenges
20preventing hydrogen from condign a mainstream
class of clean energy. In the United States, engines
that run on hydrogen are much more expensive
than gasoline. Additionally, it is difficult to store
enough hydrogen to become comparable mileage to a
25gasoline vehicle. Even so, these factors have not
been the biggest drawback in producing hydro-
gen for utilize in fuel cells; the biggest drawback has
been that fossil fuels were needed to generate large
amounts of hydrogen. Relying on fossil fuels to
30produce this element nigh negates the environ-
mental benefit backside the concept.
Recently, a new method has been discovered,
allowing scientists to create large quantities of the
element using lower amounts of energy derived
35from renewable sources. As in traditional methods,
scientists employ electrolysis, a process during
which electricity is used to suspension the bonds betwixt
the atoms found in water by passing a electric current
through the water via a semiconductor. Once the
fortywater molecules are cleaved into separate hydrogen
and oxygen atoms, both are released as individual
gasses and the hydrogen can be harvested.
When people recollect of solar power, huge panels
usually come to listen, the type of panels that could
45non be used to ability consumer vehicles in a way
equivalent to gasoline. Nevertheless, scientists take
recently been successful at employing solar ability every bit
the goad in electrolysis, harvesting energy from
the sun and using it to break apart h2o molecules.
50The same scientists who fabricated this achievement then
built a semiconductor out of affordable, oxide-based
materials. When these two advances are coupled,
they also reduce the economic and environmental
cost of generating and processing hydrogen.
55Another bonus to this new method of produc-
tion is that it is significantly more efficient than
older production methods. The team of researchers
attained the most efficient solar-to-fuel conversion to
date, and they did information technology without using cost-prohibitive
There are withal several challenges to be overcome
before hydrogen is a viable gasoline replacement.
This new method of cosmos, though, is a huge
step in the right direction. There are many ongoing
65enquiry initiatives that aim to make hydrogen
extraction even more cost-effective, as well as easy
to store. When these issues are solved, hydrogen volition
go a fuel that works for humanity and the globe
at the same fourth dimension.

1. With which of the following statements would the author most likely concord?

  • A. Scientists should consider the final price to consumers when exploring alternatives to petroleum-based fuels.
  • B. The development of hydrogen fuel for automobiles volition give a boost to the economy in the United States.
  • C. Safety concerns surrounding hydrogen used equally fuel pose the biggest trouble for scientists studying alternative free energy.
  • D. Gasoline must exist eliminated as a source of fuel for automobiles within the side by side decade.

2. Which choice provides the best evidence for the respond to the previous question?

  • A. Lines 5-7 ("Because it … vehicles")
  • B. Lines 9-13 ("Since hydrogen … nations")
  • C. Lines 21-23 ("In the United states of america … gasoline")
  • D. Lines 52-69 ("When these … time")

three. According to the passage, which of the following is truthful of hydrogen?

  • A. It exists mostly with oxygen in h2o molecules in its natural state.
  • B. It is more than efficient than solar power as an energy source.
  • C. Information technology tin can be used as fuel in about types of engines.
  • D. It can be easily harvested from water molecules.

4. As used in line ii, "diligently" almost nearly means

  • A. impulsively.
  • B. persistently.
  • C. rapidly.
  • D. perpetually.

5. The passage nigh strongly suggests that which of the post-obit is true of petroleum-based fuel?

  • A. Its cost is higher than virtually alternative fuels.
  • B. Its use has a negative environmental consequence.
  • C. Information technology cannot be produced in the United States.
  • D. It is more efficient than other types of fuel.

6. Which pick provides the best testify for the reply to the previous question?

  • A. Lines i-3 ("Scientists … source")
  • B. Lines 13-16 ("In addition … as fuel")
  • C. Lines 55-57 ("Another bonus … methods")
  • D. Lines 57-threescore ("The team … materials")

seven. In paragraph two, why does the author explain that hydrogen energy will reduce our dependency on petroleum-producing nations?

  • A. To illustrate why scientists in other countries are not working to develop hydrogen energy
  • B. To highlight how hydrogen energy is superior to other forms of alternative free energy
  • C. To advise how hydrogen energy tin can help protect the surroundings
  • D. To clarify why the development of hydrogen as a fuel source is important

viii. Every bit used in line 34, "derived" most nearly ways

  • A. gained.
  • B. received.
  • C. obtained.
  • D. copied.

9. The passage most strongly suggests that which of the following is true about methods of extracting hydrogen from water?

  • A. Much additional research is needed to perfect hydrogen extraction.
  • B. Scientific breakthroughs volition soon make hydrogen extraction unnecessary.
  • C. Scientists are on course to develop a safe fashion to extract hydrogen within one twelvemonth.
  • D. It is unlikely that hydrogen extraction will ever be washed in an environmentally friendly way.

10. It tin be reasonably inferred from the information in the passage and the graphic that

  • A. compressed natural gas is the most environmentally friendly course of automobile fuel.
  • B. scientists are making great advances in the evolution of hydrogen as a fuel for automobiles.
  • C. electricity produces less air pollution than hydrogen and compressed natural gas.
  • D. switching from gasoline to hydrogen to fuel automobiles would significantly reduce air pollution.


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