Hcc Summer Reading Enc-1101-32229 English Composition I Lecture
Welcome to the ENC 1101 course toolbox for the Melbourne campus library! Here you'll observe a diversity of helpful "tools" to assist you during your fourth dimension in the class. Bask!
Tips on how to decide on a research topic:
- Choose something that interests you lot!
- Do some background inquiry on potential topics. (the latest journal article, an encyclopedia or trade magazine are great places to showtime to go ideas!)
- Choice a topic that is not too broad or likewise narrow (for instance: writing a paper on "healthcare in the U.s.a." might exist a bit too broad. Remember to go along it unproblematic! Endeavour writing about something a scrap more specific similar "culling medicine" or "patient rights".
- Later on you accept narrowed downward your topic, endeavor to course a search question using your topic. This will improve help you with creating a solid thesis statement.
Researching your topic:
- Visit the library'due south website at www.keiserlibrary.com
- Log in with your username (half-dozen or 7 digit pupil number) and password (last 4 digits of social security number)
The LIRN network (Library and Data Resources Network) is one case of a great place to kickoff to discover information about specific literary works and authors. You can find several databases under LIRN – ane specifically helpful to English Comp. students is Gale Infotrac. (at the very top of the page)
Click on Gale Infotrac to go to a variety of bookish databases!
Once within Gale Infotrac, gyre downwards towards the bottom of the page to locate the database called Literature Resource Center.
Literature Resource Center contains several ways to search for information: by author, by keyword, by bailiwick, literary-historical timeline or advanced search pick. It also allows y'all to search the Encyclopedia of Literature and Gale Literary Index (for literary critiques).
You tin search for an author or literary work by author's name, keyword, or discipline.
" data-medium-file="https://keiserlib.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/litresourcecenter42.png?w=274" data-large-file="https://keiserlib.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/litresourcecenter42.png?w=640" class="size-full wp-image-635" title="LitResourceCenter4" src="https://keiserlib.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/litresourcecenter42.png?w=640&h=700" alt="" width="640" height="700" srcset="https://keiserlib.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/litresourcecenter42.png?w=640&h=700 640w, https://keiserlib.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/litresourcecenter42.png?w=137&h=150 137w, https://keiserlib.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/litresourcecenter42.png?w=274&h=300 274w, https://keiserlib.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/litresourcecenter42.png 662w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px">
Non finding what you're looking for in Gale Literature Resource Eye? Endeavor some other database! Here'due south a cursory list of some recommended library databases that are helpful to ENC 1101 students:
InfoTrac (LIRN)
Academic OneFileExpanded Academic ASAP 1980-Current
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Infotrac OneFile 1980-Current
Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center Current
Communications and Mass Media Collection
Proquest (LIRN)
Proquest Research Library: Literature & Language
Individual Databases (LIRN)
Credo Reference
Bowker'due south Books in Print and Bowker's Patron Books in Impress
Internet Resources (LIRN)
Directory of Open Access Journals
Internet Public Library
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
Evaluating Internet Research:
Here are some quick questions to enquire yours elf while evaluating cyberspace research:
one. Is the author credible? The information should requite some hint every bit to what the author'southward credentials might be. Look for further details on the author such equally education, training, or experience inside his/her field. If the author is an organization, try to detect testify that the organization is reputable.
two. Is this data peer-reviewed? Peer-reviewed data is information that has been reviewed and evaluated by a group of professionals within the related professional field.
3. Is the information timely and authentic? Since information changes from solar day to day, y'all may need to ensure that the information is upwards-to-date. A proficient rule of thumb for ensuring current research within especially changing fields (such every bit medical or technological) is within 3-5 years maximum.
4. Pay attention to domain names. (.edu, .org, .gov, .com)
- The domain name is usually the final 3 messages within a url that identify the proper noun of a website. For example, http://world wide web.ala.org is the url for the professional organization American Library Clan. Professional organizations are excellent sources of good, reliable data for 1 to use for academic enquiry.
- If a site ends with .edu, this means the information is authored by an academic establishment, which is another safety, reliable place for information.
- If a site ends with .gov, the website is a part of the U.s.a. government, which can also be a good source of academic data.
- However, if the website ends with .com, this information is from a company, which oftentimes tin can be biased and unreliable. Websites that end with .com should be worthy of caution when conducting academic inquiry.
Another selection for inquiry – Google Scholar
You can utilise Google Scholar to locate boosted periodical manufactures that you might not find within our databases.
Google Scholar
APA Formatting help:
The Owl at Purdue APA Formatting Guide
Reliable Websites:
A+ Inquiry and Writing
Oxford Dictionary: Meliorate Writing
Graphic Organizers
Source: https://keiserlib.wordpress.com/resources-2/library-toolbox/enc-1101-english-composition/
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